- John Marshall (Marsh) Crader Family
This is John Marshall (Marsh) Crader b. 11 Jan 1886 d. 16 Aug 1970, son of Daniel Francis and Sarah Eliz, Ellen (Kegley) Crader, holding Lilbourn Daniel (Monk) Crader, next to him is his wife Minnie Francis (Crafton) Crader,b. 22 Aug 1884 d. 14 Oct. 1919, daughter of Josiah (Joe) Crader and Rachel Jane McGuire. The Children in front are: (from right to left) Sadie Rachel Crader, Hobert Cleveland Crader and Dallas M. Crader. All are buried in the Crader Cemetery in Bollinger Co, except John Marshall Crader,, he is buried in a cemtery in Cape Girardeau Co... Death is only a shadow across the pathway to heaven.
Submitted by
William Dean Crader
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